Sunday, March 30, 2008

Reinstallation of Parts Begins

Its a really good feeling when you reach the point when you stop taking parts off the bike and start putting them back on again. This weekend we hit that point.
If I had all the time and money I needed (both of which are in short demand), I would have torn the bike down to the chassis and rebuilt it from the ground up. This will happen in my lifetime but for now I'm eager to start the new riding season that's upon us.
Engine - Fuel System Install
  • Reinstalled refinished engine mounts and tank mount hardware. New rubber mounts added to both assembly's
  • Installed new braided fuel lines. These look great! You got love the "Made in Germany" imprints on the lines.
  • Reused existing in-line fuel filters. I'm not happy with the in-line filters cosmetically. However, functionally they do two things. For one, they allow the rider to confirm fuel is flowing to the carburetor float chamber. Secondly, since I'm uncertain of the condition (or existence) of the original fuel tap filter screen, at least there is some protection to each of the carbs from dirty fuel.

1 comment:

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